Meghan Markle's confession was the start of royal cracks beginning to show

As Meghan Markle and Prince Harry return from their unofficial tour of Nigeria, we look back on their trip to Africa in 2019 – on which it looked like cracks in the Royal Family were beginning to show.

Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex have returned from their unofficial three-day trip to Nigeria – their first visit to the African continent since their post-wedding tour in 2019. The trip appeared to be a great success, with similar endeavors said to be in the pipeline, unlike the 2019 visit, which was overshadowed by a revealing interview given by Meghan Markle. The landmark moment is what many believe to have been the first instance of cracks beginning to show in the Royal Family.

Revisiting Meghan Markle’s comments on 2019 tour with Prince Harry

The Sussex’s decision to step down from their position as working royals is a well-documented one which has garnered their pair a lot of negative coverage among royalists across the globe. And this week’s trip to Nigeria is reminiscent of Harry and Meghan’s first visit to Africa, a poignant moment in their relationship in which Meghan appeared to disclose unhappiness at her treatment within the Royal Family.

Speaking to British broadcaster ITV in October 2019, Markle was asked about the impact that motherhood and her royal status was having on her physical and mental wellbeing, prompting the Suits star to thank the reporter for asking her, as “not many people” had asked if she was okay.

Markle admitted that the pressure of having a newborn while facing media scrutiny had been challenging, in what was one of the first real moments of vulnerability displayed by the often-maligned American.

Markle doubled down in iconic Oprah interview

The feeling of neglect from the Royal Family is one that Markle expressed again in her and Harry’s well-publicized sit down with Oprah Winfrey in 2021.

Discussing racial abuse she had faced online, Markle told Winfrey that she had reached out to a senior figure in the family for help, to no avail.

“I went to one of the most senior people just to, to get help,” explained Markle. “And I know, personally, how hard it is to not just voice it, but when you voice it, to be told no.”

Elaborating on her comments, Markle added, rather revealingly: “I went to human resources, and I said, ‘I just really — I need help’… And I remember this conversation like it was yesterday, because they said, ‘My heart goes out to you, because I see how bad it is, but there’s nothing we can do to protect you because you’re not a paid employee of the institution’.”

With the couple appearing to look happier now three years on from the Oprah interview, Harry and Meghan’s unofficial jaunt to Nigeria begs the question of what the future will look like for the royal castaways.

The post Meghan Markle's confession was the start of royal cracks beginning to show appeared first on Celebrity Tidbit.