Laughter as Cllr Andrew Stringer pokes fun of Tory defections to Labour party

Watch as laughter erupts in a council chamber after opposition leader pokes fun at Tory defecting ‘disease’.

Cllr Andrew Stringer, leader of the Green, Liberal Democrat and Independents opposition group at the county council, stood up this afternoon to make fun of the recent Tory defections to the Labour Party.

He stretched out a barrier tape to create a cordon around his side of the room while mentioning a disease affecting politicians and leading them to cross the floor dubbed in Latin as ‘nauticus ratus titanicus’.

This includes Dan Poulter, the Central Suffolk and North Ipswich MP who crossed the floor last month because he could no longer look his NHS colleagues and patients in the eye.

The skit warranted comments from the other side of the room for plastic waste.

It comes just a day after the Prime Minister announced the general election’s date as July 4.