ESE Group Limited sentenced for ripping off Kintbury homeowners

A COMPANY which ripped off village homeowners has been sentenced.

The group used fake testimonials to mislead and overcharge customers for solar panels.

Reading Crown Court

Among those taken in were homeowners from Kintbury, leading to an investigation by West Berkshire Council's Public Protection Partnership.

Last March the company was convicted of knowingly or recklessly engaging in unfair commercial practice between November 2017 and February 2021..

At a recent Reading Crown Court sentencing hearing ESE Group Limited (formerly known as ESE Services Limited) was ordered to pay more than £1.4 million in fines, costs and compensation.

The investigation was launched when an initial West Berkshire victim raised the alarm with the district council’s Public Protection Partnership trading standards service.

West Berkshire Council’s executive member for public safety, Lee Dillon (Lib Dem, Thatcham North East) said afterwards: “The sentencing today reflects the severity of offending that affected many people.

“I hope it sends a clear message to anyone looking to trade unfairly that the penalties can be high.

“We were particularly pleased to have recovered £326,317.85 in compensation for the 80 victims of ESE Group Limited.”

He added: “This was a complex investigation carried out by skilled investigators in our trading standards service supported by National Trading Standards and prosecuted in conjunction by the Councils legal service.

“We are grateful for the support of National Trading Standards and colleagues around the UK.”

National Trading Standards chairman Lord Michael Bichard said afterwards: "ESE Group Limited’s business model was based on lies and deception.

“The heartless individuals behind the company – which traded under multiple names - completely ignored the health and wellbeing of their victims and were clearly motivated by insatiable greed.

“Today's verdict should serve as a powerful reminder that those who engage in this type of criminal activity risk prosecution.

“I extend my congratulations to everyone who played a role in ensuring that these criminals face justice.

“If you or someone you know has fallen victim to unfair trading or fraud like this you should report it to the Citizens Advice consumer service helpline by calling 0808 223 1133.”