Donald Trump was obviously proud when he bragged about Melania's strange duck commercial

Melania Trump once starred as a half-duck half-human in a commercial for Aflac, and her husband Donald could not get enough of his wife’s acting cameo.

With experience as a model, a former First Lady and an extremely patient wife to a man currently facing 34 felony chargesMelania Trump certainly is a lot of things – but did you know about her acting appearance in a surreal Aflac commercial, in which she played a half-human, half-duck? Donald Trump certainly knows about his wife’s short-lived acting stint, and by the sound of it – he was pretty proud of Melania’s efforts.

Melania Trump starred as a duck in a bizarre Aflac commercial

Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Back in 2005, insurance giants Aflac decided the world needed to know about the coverage they had available for those who were injured and couldn’t work.

And the best way to let the world know they could help with covering the bills of those who were unwell, they decided, was through the would-be First Lady of the United States – Melania, who delivered a line in the peculiar 30-second clip.

During the advert, we are presented with a wacky scientist who is endeavoring to swap a human’s voice with that of a duck, in order to “Tell the world the benefits of Aflac, with sex appeal.”

The human in question is Melania, or Mrs. Trump as she is referred to, whose voice can be heard uttering the line: “If you’re hurt and can’t work, Aflac can help pay your bills with cash”, before looking down at her now-webbed feet and screaming in horror.

Donald was very proud of Melania

Some 13 years on from the release of the commercial, then-president Trump met with Aflac representatives to discuss policy – and he had not forgotten about Melania’s efforts.

While the meeting focused on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, a corporate tax-cutting scheme, Trump couldn’t help but mention his wife’s commercial.

According to reports from 2018, Trump said of the Aflac CEO, Dan Amos: “Your chairman I know very well and he’s done a fantastic job”, before going full Trump mode and veering off from the subject at hand.

“He (Amos) actually a long time ago hired my wife (Melania) to do a big commercial, an Aflac commercial,” the 45th president explained, adding: “I think it was a successful commercial, too.”

Clearly content with his wife’s apparent success, Trump made sure to make his positive feelings towards Amos known, adding: “So say hello to him.”

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