Joe Hart and Daizen Maeda react as 'immense' player sends goodbye message to Celtic fans

As the season has now come to its conclusion, the Celtic fans can look back with an immense feeling of satisfaction.

The Celtic support has had a bit of a nail-biter after watching their team take a commanding lead at the beginning of the season despite the number ofhorrendous injury problems Brendan Rodgers has had to deal with.

And after a disaster of a December where Celtic lost against Hearts and Kilmarnock, at one point it did look like there was serious danger of Rodgers not successfully defending the title.

Until Adam Idah arrived on loan from Norwich City.

Idah returns to Norwich City a Celtic hero

Nine goals since his January move kept Celtic’s title dream alive and won the Parkhead club the Scottish Cup. His story really is the stuff of dreams.

And now that he has returned to his parent club, Idah sent a message to the Celtic on Instagram thanking the Celtic fans for their support.

The post was swarmed on by the Celtic supporters and earned reactions from Stephen Welsh, Paulo Bernardo and Benjamin Siegrist.

We have discussed over the past few days how Brendan Rodgers described Idah as ‘immense‘ and how he was clear about how the Celtic board knew how he felt about the big Republic of Ireland international striker.

We also discussed how the Celtic board look set to back their manager and bring Idah to Celtic on a permanent deal after Norwich City are said to want around £5m for their third-choice striker.

That price tag was questioned by Chris Sutton who reckons it could take up to £9m for Rodgers to get his man this summer.

Whatever happens, Idah has certainly left a huge impression on the Celtic support and if Rodgers does seal the deal, he will be welcomed back to Paradise with open arms.