'Dead giveaway' Tristan Thompson 'still physically attracted to Khloé Kardashian', says body language expert

EXCLUSIVE: Body language expert Nicole Moore gives her analysis on the dynamics playing out between exes Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson on this season of The Kardashians. Speaking to Reality Tidbit, Nicole shares three major themes emerging from the pair’s communication.

Khloé Kardashian‘s fans were not impressed to see her ex, Tristan Thompson, starring in The Kardashians for another season. As the trailer for season 5 dropped, many people took to social media to question his casting on the show. However, as the father of Khloé’s two children, he’s a major part of her life and naturally appears on the show with her.

Credit: Hulu Press/The Kardashians

The Kardashians: Tristan ‘still attracted’ to Khloé

The hugely anticipated Kardashians season 5 arrived on May 23 and episode 1 featured Reality TV Star of the Year winner Khloé and her ex, Tristan Thompson.

The two sit down for a chat after Khloé arrived at Tristan’s house – which is just across the way from her own.

But, even before they catch up, body language expert Nicole Moore says: “It’s clear from Tristan’s body language that he is still attracted to Khloé” from the moment he sees her.

Nicole explains: “When he opens the door to let Khloé into his house, he looks at her in the eyes with a smile and then his gaze drifts downward as he takes in her entire body. Typically, when a man’s eyes gaze downward and then upward over a woman’s body as he greets her, it’s a dead giveaway that he’s physically attracted to her.”

Kardashians star ‘has her guard up’

After the ups and downs of their relationship, Khloé and Tristan are no longer a couple. They now co-parent their two children, True and Tatum Thompson, together.

The Good American founder speaks highly of Tristan when it comes to how he fathers their kids. She said in an interview with SHE MD that he is a “great dad,” and that they “get along so well.”

But, body language expert Nicole (@nicolemoorelove) says she’s “guarded” during scenes on The Kardashians season 5.

She explains: “In a scene of Khloé and Tristan talking while sitting in a living room, we can see from Khloé’s body language that she’s still very much guarded around her ex.

“While Tristan sits completely relaxed with his hands behind his head and his legs open, indicating he’s fully open to Khloé, Khloé sits with her hands crossed in front of her nearly the entire time. Khloé keeps her arm in front of her body and claps her hands in front of her as if she’s subconsciously putting up a wall of protection around Tristan. From this clip, it appears as if Tristan is ready, open and available to let Khloé back in fully, but she’s guarded and setting a boundary.”

‘Tristan irritates Khloé’

Not only does Nicole analyze that KoKo has her “guard up” during filming, but she goes as far as to say Tristan is “irritating” to her.

During the scene, Tristan suggests to Khloé: “We could just combine both houses and live as one happy family.

“We could make a tunnel, an overpass… from here to your house… we’re a great dynamic duo, like peanut butter and jelly, fire and ice, salt and pepper…”

In response to his comments, body language expert Nicole analyses Khloé’s behavior: “Khloé says no and her lips turn downward, a key body language indicator that she is displeased with his suggestion. As Tristan goes on to say that they were a great dynamic duo, Khloé nods her head, smirks, and turns her eyes to the side, her body language communicating here that she doesn’t take what he says seriously at all.”

She adds: “Khloé’s body language in this clip is saying ‘you had your chance and you messed it up’. her body tenses against what Tristan is saying in this scene, indicating that she’s irritated by his attempts to become closer to her.”

After the awkward scene, Khloé tells the cameras in a confessional: “Sometimes I hate how much I have to think and be on guard to not do anything that might ever give a glimmer that there’s hope…”

Nicole adds: “When Khloé hugs Tristan upon leaving, she turns her head away from his as she’s hugging him, indicating that she wants to remain distant rather than leaning into him during a hug as she would do if she were still romantically interested in him. She pats him on the back in an extremely friendly manner, almost as if she’s patting a child on the back.

“From this clip, it’s clear that Khloé is intent on maintaining her boundaries with Tristan and she’d prefer him to respect the distance instead of continuously trying to be closer to her again.”


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