Kim Kardashian always has just three things in her bag – and it’s not a wallet

Kim Kardashian’s outfits are always the talk of the town and during the latest Kardashians episode, the mom of four steps out in a super cute look complete with an adorable mini bag. The reality star reveals three must-have items she always has in her bag – whatever the size.

Striding out of her black Range Rover and into a meeting with her mom, Kris Jenner, and Ryan Murphy, Kim Kardashian dons a black corset paired with blue denim jeans, heels, and a mini black purse. The Kardashians star is keen to share how she really is all about aesthetics over practicality, as Kim tells Ryan to ask her what’s in her purse.

Credit: Screenshot via Disney+/The Kardashians

Kim Kardashian reveals what’s in her bag – and it’s not much

After sparking curiosity for Ryan as well as viewers at home, Kim laughs at how her bag is actually completely empty.

She laughs: “I actually grabbed it with nothing in it,” and twirls the bag in her hand.

However, she adds that “typically” the contents of her bag consist of three things: “A piece of gum, a powder puff, and a lipstick.”

Kardashians star keeps it minimal

Judging by Kim’s latest admission about what’s in her bag, it seems she’s really pared down what her go-to items are.

Last year in an interview with Vogue Italia, she shared all kinds of things she keeps in her travel bag including a SKIMS blanket, and books she and her sisters discuss at “book club.”

Kim admits she doesn’t usually have a travel bag on her at all times – she says she normally carries a backpack as she has four kids.

She explains she also carries a “smaller bag” within a big travel bag which will have her “powder puff and a lipgloss” as she previously mentioned.

The star whips out a copy of a book, Signs, before revealing she and her sisters are reading the book and often get together to talk about it.

In Mary Poppins style, Kim also brings a camera out of her bag, a computer, a notebook, playing cards, beauty products, and snacks.

She says: “You never know when you’re going to get starving and need a little treat.”

Kim also brings out a “little bag of gums and mints” before laughing at how super organized she is.


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