Donald Trump's ex-lawyer has grim prediction as jury deliberations continue

The jury is currently deliberating on Donald Trump’s hush money trial, and one of his former lawyers suspects that things aren’t looking great for the 45th president.

At the time of writing on May 30, the jury is currently deliberating on Donald Trump‘s hush money case, with the former president facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. While reports indicate that a prison sentence is unlikely as the crime, Trump is being charged with a class E felony – the least serious category, a guilty verdict could have serious effects on his bid to run for president in the upcoming elections. And while things remain firmly in the air for now, new quotes from one of Trump’s former lawyers suggest that things aren’t looking great for the ex-Apprentice host.

Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer doesn’t think the jury will acquit the star

Speaking to The Daily Beast, Ty Cobb – a former White House lawyer who represented Trump during an investigation into Russian interference in 2019, speculated that things don’t look too good for his ex-client.

“The chance of an acquittal is zero to none,” said Cobb rather bluntly, before clarifying that there is a “real” chance of a hung jury, though it is “not likely.”

Cobb was on the receiving end of some harsh words from Trump last year, after he claimed that Trump’s defense in his federal case was weak and that he had stolen classified documents when he left office.

“Ty Cobb is a disgruntled former Lawyer, who represented me long ago, and knows absolutely nothing about the Boxes Hoax being perpetrated upon me,” responded Trump.

“His words are angry, nasty, and libelous, only because I did not continue using him, and for good reason.”

Trump has vehemently denied the charges and claims he faces.

Law expert claims the jury are likely ‘offended’ by Trump

And while Trump may disagree, Cobb’s comments were echoed by law professor Gregory Germain, who commented on the case in an interview with the Mirror.

“I think the DA (District Attorney) and the Judge are fully invested in obtaining a conviction”, explained Germain. “I think the judge will gloss over the legal issues in the jury instructions to allow a conviction by defining the legal issue around the propriety of paying hush money rather than the legality of paying hush money and how that relates to the document’s charges.”

Discussing which way he believes the jury will swing, the law professor added: “I doubt that there are any Trump supporters on the jury, and I think they are likely very offended by Trump’s conduct in and out of court, and with the unethical behavior.”

Germain added he believes the jury will ‘convict him’

He agreed with the consensus that a jail term is unlikely, suggesting that Trump, if found guilty, would potentially face a probation charge.

Discussing the potential of an appeal, Germain concluded: “If the judge sentences Trump to prison, then the courts will intervene quickly. If Trump isn’t sentenced to prison, the appeal will take its sweet time and be reversed after the election.”

Throughout the trial there have been strong claims from witnesses, including Michael Cohen who said Donald admitted he wouldn’t be on the market ‘long’ if his wife Melania left him.

But the former TV star’s attorney, Todd Blanche, told the jury the witness was the ‘greatest liar of all time’ during his closing argument yesterday.

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