Woolton Hill near Newbury expected to have complete access to Gigaclear’s full fibre broadband network by September

Work is under way in Woolton Hill to ensure the village has access to full fibre broadband for the first time.

Work to connect Woolton Hill began in November 2023 when engineers from telecoms company Gigaclear began extending its network from Hamstead Marshall using fibre optic cables.

Woolton Hill now connected to Gigaclear's full fibre network

With the cable connection between the two communities now live, Gigaclear engineers are in the process of taking the network to more than 1,000 properties in the village, either by digging new trenches or using existing infrastructure such as poles and ducting.

The majority of homes and businesses are expected to have access by September.

Senior project manager Glenn Ellis said Gigaclear was working hard to ensure rural communities such as Woolton Hill were able to access the same fast and reliable full fibre broadband enjoyed by larger urban areas.

He said: “We’ve already cabled to around 200 properties in Woolton Hill and we’ll be completing the remainder over the next four-or-so months.

“Taking our full fibre to rural communities that would otherwise have copper or an inferior broadband connection fundamentally changes them for the better because it creates choice for the people in those communities about how they work and how they live their lives.”

Those interested in discovering more about Gigaclear should visit its website at http://rb.gy/7b8oeq