12 injured in Balakliya shelling, including 8 children and pregnant woman

In Balakliya, 8 children and a pregnant woman were injured

Updated at 1:27 p.m.: The head of the Balaklia military administration, Vitaliy Karabanov, told Suspilne that the report about the 35-year-old victim's pregnancy was not confirmed. The woman sustained a stab wound to her left eye and possibly a fractured pelvis.

"Preliminary reports suggest that an Iskander missile hit the area. Experts say it exploded a few meters from the house, causing damage and igniting a fire due to the wooden structures. A family of six lived there: father, mother, and four children. Another family with four children was visiting, so a total of eight children and four adults were injured. They were all in the house at the time of the explosion," Karabanov said.

State Emergency Service of Kharkiv Oblast
State Emergency Service of Kharkiv Oblast

This was announced by the Kharkiv Governor Oleh Synehubov.

Four adults and children aged 2 to 17 were injured, all in moderate condition, and were hospitalized.

A fire broke out due to the missile strike, Synehubov added. According to the State Emergency Service, two residential buildings covering an area of 200 square meters were on fire.

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Section: Nation

Author: Альона Сонько