Peter Crouch says he played with someone at Liverpool who was an even better passer than Xabi Alonso

Peter Crouch played with some incredible players during his career.

Gareth Bale, Wayne Rooney and Luka Modric are but a few world-class players Crouch shared the pitch with.

Speaking to The Redmen TV, Crouch has been discussing his spell at Liverpool and some of his best teammates at Anfield.

Interestingly, Crouch stated that Steven Gerrard is the best passer he has ever played with, stating that the former England captain was an even better passer than Xabi Alonso.

Photo by James Gill/Getty Images

Steven Gerrard a better passer than Xabi Alonso

Crouch spoke about what it was like to play with Gerrard and Alonso.

“Xabi Alonso was an amazing passer of the ball, but I still think Stevie was better. He could do everything Stevie. Stevie was the best passer of a ball I think I’ve ever seen and Xabi was probably second.

Gerrard had it all

Steven Gerrard was a truly unique footballer who had it all.

Gerrard’s passing ability was up there with the best to ever play the game, and he had every single club in the bag.

Whether he was playing down the right side delivering crosses, playing as a holding player spraying 40 yard balls or playing as a number 10 and sliding in through balls, Gerrard could do it all and he could do it all to an incredible level.

Crouch was lucky enough to play in the same team as both Alonso and Gerrard, and while they may not have won a Premier League title together, Alonso and Gerrard are undoubtedly one of the best midfield pairings the Premier League has ever seen.

Alonso himself was a fantastic passer of a ball, but Gerrard was on another level to almost anyone who was playing around that time.

Gerrard was a dream teammate for any attacker, that’s for sure.