10 dating app red flags you should always swipe left on - Even if they have a cute dog

Dating apps can be exhausting if you’re looking for true love and not spotting the obvious red flags never ends well.

A relationship coach reveals ten obvious signs of a man who isn’t looking for “anything serious”, so you can be sure about the ones you swipe right on.

online dating concept

10 dating apps red flags you should swipe left on without a doubt

You get what you pay for. So imagine what a dating app accessible for free has to offer. You must be aware of some of these tell-tale signs of “emotionally unavailable” men in the dating game.

Dating and relationship coach Ryan Patrick discusses 10 red flags on apps and how to spot them.

The Bare Minimum Profile

Stay away from men who don’t think they need a bio to get matches. The lack of profile details reflects poorly on their character and only means one thing – they don’t care enough about you to talk a bit about themselves.

Political or religious rant

Having a political leaning is one thing, but going on and on about the party they support is not a characteristic you should be attracted to.

This is also a sign that the person is strongly opinionated about a subject you may or may not be interested in and the chances of them dragging you into a discussion are high. So swipe left without thinking twice.

The Negative Stance

If a man only has negative things to say about women or the app, you don’t need that kind of energy in your life.

The negative stance is also a glimpse of his personality, says the dating expert, and you should rather focus on people with positive attitudes.

Bathroom Selfies? No, Thank you.

We had previously talked about common flexes on dating apps that are cringe-worthy and mirror selfies are one of them.

The dating coach says, bathroom selfies particularly aren’t meant for you but for the man, because he couldn’t make the effort to click better pictures of himself to share on the app.

The Timeline Of The Picture Is Important

You may very well be in Winter and if the guy is still showing off a picture of himself by the beach, ask yourself how old it could possibly be.

Often, daters use outdated pictures to lure matches and it’s a sheer disappointment when you meet them in person. So, swipe left, ladies.

Boring Opener Is A No-No

Do you really want to go out with a man who doesn’t know how to start with an interesting opener, let alone keep the conversation going?

If all you get from your match is “Hey, What’up, How are You? and Nice,” you’ve swiped in the wrong direction.

If He’s Too Busy, Let Him Be

If a man is constantly busy to reply to your messages, he isn’t worth chasing. If he is interested in you, you’ll be his priority.

This could also mean he’s busy with other girls, which means, he isn’t in this for anything meaningful.

The Controlling Kind

If the man thinks you should always stick to his plans or tries to control you by commenting on what you wear or who you should spend time with, take it as a major warning.

A man who is considerate of your emotions and feelings will not try to impose his. Let his actions speak for themselves and don’t fall for empty words.

Stay Away From ‘Pushy Snapchat’ Guy

If a guy wants to exchange digits immediately or pushes you to share snaps with him, he comes with an agenda. You should know by now what he’s really after – it’s a no-brainer.

Don’t settle for lazy dates

If he’s incapable of dating a romantic date and his way of asking you out is by calling you over to his place, leave him before it’s too late.

This shows he’s too lazy to make an effort to make you feel special and probably doesn’t want anything but to get into your pants.

Ryan Patrick is a dating and relationship coach at Daterboy. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Southern California and has been practicing as a dating coach for over 8 years. His channel on YouTube boasts over 330,000 followers and he coaches online to help daters navigate difficult relationships.