'Filthiest places' on an airplane you don't want to touch but most of us come in contact with

You must be extra careful while traveling by airplane as a former flight attendant reveals the “filthiest areas” you come in contact with.

Flights are most travelers’ preferred most of the transformation as it’s quicker and more efficient. Although it has several benefits, exposure to germs and bacteria despite routine cleaning is inevitable.

‘Filthiest areas’ on an airplane revealed by a former flight attendant

Former flight attendant Jennie explains in one of her TikTok videos why certain parts of the plane are extremely unhygienic.

First up is the overhead bin, which almost every passenger comes in contact with. She claims the overhead bins aren’t cleaned as often as the other areas of the place, thus making it filthy.

She suggests wiping your neck pillow before use if stored in the overhead bin. The same goes for the instruction manual, which is touched by all passengers.

Third on the list is the tray table. Aside from using it to keep food, people use it for all sorts of things, including to rest their feet and “changing diapers”, Jennie claims. So it would be wise to sanitize it if you plan to rest your hands on your head.

Needless to say, airplane seats are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria, because we all know what a human’s rear end is capable of holding.

The toilet doors are perhaps the filthiest part of the airplane considering the “urine and feces” it is exposed to. As you can’t expect every passenger to wash their hands after using it, it’s advised to use a hand sanitizer after every visit.

Safety tips while traveling

AARP offers a couple of safety tips to follow while traveling by airplane to avoid falling sick. Wash your hands as frequently as possible throughout the flight, particularly when you touch the tray table or use the washroom.

Don’t forget to get a flu shot if you plan to travel during the flu season. “Influenza spreads by droplets made when people sneeze or cough, even from as far away as six feet — close enough to cause havoc when you’re crammed in with a crowd, the website notes.

Research has found that people seated on the aisle side of the airplane are more prone to infections compared to those sitting by the window. Consider wearing a mask to avoid contact with the virus while traveling.

Jennie Kwon is a former flight attendant and TikTok content creator with over 10 million followers. Most of her content is based on her experience as an air stewardess at Dubai-based Emirates Airline for over two years.