George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain select Collan Siddique as candidate for Newark in upcoming General election on July 4

A new name has been added to the list of candidates contesting in Newark this General Election.

Collan Siddique has now officially been selected as the Workers Party of Britain candidate, with hopes of offering another alternative to the main political parties.

Collan lives in Newark where he works as an occupational therapist in mental health.

Collan Siddique, Workers Party of Britain candidate for Newark. Photo: Workers Party of Britain.

In a statement on his reasons for standing, he said: “What has happened in Gaza since October has inspired me to try and make a change to this country politically.

“Neither of the main two political parties in this country have stood up against genocide taking place abroad in Gaza.”

He added: “I have lived in Newark since 2020 and am passionate for Newark to have a working class voice in Westminster that is independent from the two big political parties — that offer no solutions to poverty, social mobility, the environment and industry.”

The Workers Party was founded by former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway, and has gained prominence since Mr Galloway won the Rochdale by-election earlier this year with a strong focus on support for the Palestinians in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The party’s main goals this election include looking out for the interests of working class people through higher wages, better conditions, fairer contracts and more job security.

The group also say they will put British people first, stand up for women and girls, and take a stronger stance against Israel as well as advocating for a free and independent Palestinian State.

The UK General Election is scheduled to take place on July 4. The candidates so-far confirmed for the Newark constituency are (listed alphabetically):

• Michael Ackroyd - Green Party

• Saj Ahmad -Labour

• Adrian Amer - Independent

• Robert Hall-Palmer - Reform UK

• Robert Jenrick - Conservative

• Collan Siddique - Workers Party of Britain

• David Watts - Liberal Democrats