Newark Town Council planning committee supports application to convert Mills Warehouse Limited into a large residential development

An application for a large residential development at a former warehouse has been supported.

The proposal for the Mills Warehouse Limited on Mills Drive, Newark includes the conversion of the building to 16 apartments with ancillary facilities, conversion of the boiler house to a dwelling and the erection of two new houses.

Proposed by W B Stubbs, the application was supported by the planning committee at a Newark Town Council meeting last Wednesday (May 29).

Mills Warehouse, Newark

The plans include demolition of the lodge, industrial buildings and chimney and partial demolition and rebuild of outbuildings. A new access to The Weavers would have to be created including parking and open space.

Residents in the area attended the meeting to express their support and concerns regarding traffic — and councillors shared the same views.

Resident Bridgett Pitcher said: “One issue that has been raised is they have proposed a ground floor instore there and objections have been made because there is an issue with the smell and there are openings to the side of the proposed property.

“We have no objection whatsoever, we want something to happen.

“To date, no contact has been made from anybody regarding how they intend to do the restoration work, it is not a complaint but it has to be raised and considered.”

Another resident, Nigel Moon, said: “We want it to be developed because at the moment it is a wreck, bits of it are falling off.”

Councillor Laurence Goff said: “I have lived in the area for 23 years and this development has been going on for a long time.

“We know the people want to have it developed and we know there are problems with congestion to the Weavers and on Farndon Road. We know cars race up and down Farndon Road, but access is also a part because of the small junction where it is.

“It is a shame that parking would be a problem no doubt, with people restricting where they put all their cars, and I am concerned about health and safety.

“But it has been going for too long and we need to get people living there.”

Mills Warehouse, Newark
Mills Warehouse, Newark

Jewels Atkins-Mitchell, commented on the planning application portal, raised her traffic concerns. She said: “Having the prospect of another 60 plus cars come down my road is not ideal either. It is problematic getting off my drive as it is.

“Where are all the residents going to park let alone their visitors?

“There is inadequate space now, so making the entrance to the Mills Drive from the Weavers will make matters worse. I can't see why the main entrance to Mills Drive can't remain as it has been for years.”

Despite the concerns regarding increased congestion, committee members agreed that the proposed development is broadly positive for the area.

The application was supported unanimously but subject to approval by highways. The decision will ultimately be taken by the district council, the planning authority.