'They lie!' George Conway knocks CNN's decision to platform MAGA operatives

George Conway appears on CNN (Screen cap).

Trump critic George Conway this week doubled down on his criticisms of CNN for inviting Trump operatives on air and allowing them to spout demonstrable falsehoods about his criminal cases.

Conway late last week sparred with Republican operative Scott Jennings, who contended that Trump's conviction for falsifying business records to cover up hush-money payments to an adult film star was a purely political prosecution.

"This is the problem with the Republican Party: They are suffused with lies," Conway said in response to Jennings. "I don't know why this network is paying Scott to say those lies."

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Conway was chided for accusing Jennings of lying on air, but he doubled down on his criticism of the network's decision to bring MAGA operatives on air during a discussion with The New Republic's Greg Sargent.

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"Basically, I just called him out," Conway said of his Friday morning encounter with Jennings. "Lies are lies, and I think one of the reasons why... they are able to do this is that the people responding to them are too polite... They're lying! They lie! And that's how bad this is and I finally decided to say it. And the notion that he is doing it as a paid contributor to CNN really gets my goat."

Conway said that he understood the network's reasons for wanting to have guests like Jennings on given that it did not want to only present one side of a controversy, but that this attempt to be fair-minded backfires if such contributors tell demonstrable falsehoods and are not held to account for it.

"I'm not exactly sure what the solution is other than to call it out," he said.

Conway went on to say that Trump allies weren't making good-faith critiques of the American criminal justice system but were rather trying to "destroy the system" for holding Trump accountable for crimes.

Listen to the whole podcast at this link.

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