Cambridgeshire Police praise for valiant volunteers

“We couldn’t do it without you”, is the message from Chief Constable Nick Dean, as he and his senior team thank Cambridgeshire police’s volunteers.

Both Mr Dean and Police and Crime Commissioner Darryl Preston have thanked the many volunteers, from Specials to police support volunteers and cadet leaders, for their valuable work as national Volunteers' Week starts today (Monday).

Today, the force also opens for recruitment for Special constables and is inviting applications. As a Special, you have all the powers of a police officer and work alongside regular colleagues. It only requires a minimum commitment of four hours a week.

Cambridgeshire Police: Praise for valiant volunteers.

Over the past 12 months, Cambridgeshire Specials have racked up more than 23,000 hours on the job, launched an impressive 400 investigations and stopped a staggering 1300 vehicles across the county.

Mr Dean said: "Whether your role supports the operational front line in keeping our communities safe or the health and wellbeing of our staff and officers, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support to ensure the organisation remains effective. We couldn’t do it without you.”

He added: “There are so many great reasons to volunteer for the force and no doubt our volunteers have many different motivations for doing so.

"It’s a unique opportunity to give something back to the community and get involved in some very valuable and rewarding work.

"All our volunteers get a unique insight into the current challenges of delivering policing and provide an independent voice on behalf of the communities we serve.”

Mr Preston said: “This week is all about saying thank you.

“Volunteers play a crucial part in ensuring transparency, building public trust and upholding the highest standards of policing. Our volunteers come from all walks of life and bring diverse experiences and viewpoints, providing a comprehensive and independent perspective to police scrutiny.”

The force is now recruiting for Special constables. To find out more and apply, visit the force website.