Controversial reason a guy doesn't text you back is a 'test', says love coach

Dating is never easy. As if ghosting and rejection weren’t bad enough, some daters go missing suddenly and keep you hanging with sporadic text messages.

This is very common in the early stages of dating. Reddit and Quora are full of discussions about men who don’t text back and how to stop hurting from their unacceptable behavior. To help women who find themselves on the receiving end of this, an expert love coach explains what it means if you don’t hear back from a dater.

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Love coach explains why some men don’t text you back

Love Expert Brody Boyd explains why men often go missing and avoid your texts in the initial stages of dating – it could come across as controversial, he says.

If a man is stopping himself from replying to texts, it supposedly means he’s “testing you.” Brody says it’s their way of getting to know a woman – if she’s “needy and desperate” for attention or values herself more.

He says, to a man, a woman who constantly texts with the hopes of a response, is capable of getting too attached too easily. Whereas, a female dater who doesn’t wait for him and moves on with her life, is treated as a “high-value” woman, who knows her worth.

According to the coach, this is “one way guys test women”, even though the behavior is utterly despised and seems disrespectful.

When the woman doesn’t “attack” the man with constant messages and calls, it’s a sign that she’s not going to stick around waiting for his response and is capable of moving on to someone who is available and values her time.

How to get his attention instead

Chasing emotionally unavailable men is exhausting and trust me, not worth your time or energy. So Brody suggests a different move instead.

Rather than investing in the man, you must work on yourself while remaining detached from the relationship. The love coach tells women to be their best selves and attract energies that make their lives better.

While “committing to the process” helps you achieve better clarity on what you want, such as focusing on being a “girlfriend or wife material”, not investing in the guy “draws” him closer to you, says the love expert.

Similarly, you wouldn’t want to chase a man who says he “doesn’t want to you“, because it never ends well and you’re bound to hurt.

If you’re new to the dating experience, perhaps you should look out for these obvious red flags and never think twice before swiping left to move on to a better potential partner.

Brody Boyd is a Love Expert, known for his channel “Magnetize Your Man” on TikTok. He and his wife Antia, who is also a certified love coach, boast more than 670,000 followers on their account. The love expert has a degree in Communications and Interpersonal Relationships.