Jan. 6 rioter pulls faces behind Fauci as doctor tells Congress about death threats

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Brandon Fellows. (C-Span)

Dr. Anthony Fauci was called back to Congress on Monday and attacked by Republican lawmakers — but his foes weren't merely before him in the congressional hearing.

A Jan. 6 attacker who served one of the toughest prison sentences yet handed out was perched over his left shoulder, making faces.

National security expert Marcy Wheeler pointed out on X that Brandon Fellows was just released from prison on May 20 after serving three years on both felony and misdemeanor charges.

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Dr. Fauci spoke to the House Oversight Committee about threats and harassment that he's faced as a result of his handing of the COVID pandemic. There have also been threats on his family.

As he spoke, Fellows made a pouty face behind Dr. Faucis.

Read Also: Ron Johnson finally admits Jan. 6 was violent — then blames it on 'outside agitators'

The Justice Department said in a release that Fellows was convicted of entering the Capitol and smoking cannabis in a senator's office, among other things. He filmed the whole ordeal, narrating the chaos from outside the door of the senator.

“There’s just a whole bunch of people lighting up in some Oregon room,” he said in a news interview after exiting the Capitol.

Representing himself in court, Fellows submitted long, handwritten court documents. In one of them, the attacker compared himself to Jesus Christ, WUSA's Jordan Fischer reported.

As Wheeler noted, Fellows also asked at one point if he should call the wife of U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, who was presiding over his case. Fellows wanted to disqualify the judge. He claimed that in a previous trial, he listed the judge's wife's phone number as his emergency contact in his phone — which is considered obstruction of justice.

Fellows was arrested ten days later after spending that time bragging about the activity and posting videos and photos online.

The judge ultimately chastised him for making a "mockery of these proceedings," WUSA reported.

Judge McFadden said Fellows was showing the “height of contempt” for all branches of government and had “flagrantly lied” under oath during his trial.

The judge also lambasted the defendant for saying that there was some kind of "grand conspiracy against you.

“It is, rather, your defiance of any and every attempt to try to get your actions to conform to what the law requires that has gotten you to this point,” McFadden said. He later added: “It’s time for you to grow up!”

See the video below or at the link here.

Jan. 6 rioter perched on Dr. Fauci's shoulder during Republican hearing youtu.be

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