Nottinghamshire Police appealing for witnesses after man reportedly exposed himself at Coddington Park

Police are appealing for witnesses after a man reportedly exposed himself in a park.

The incident took place on Thorpe Oaks playing field, Coddington, around 8.20pm on Sunday, June 2.

The man is described as white, in his early thirties, around 5ft 8ins tall, of slight build, and is believed to have ginger hair.

Nottinghamshire Police. Stock image

He was also reportedly wearing a black cap, black jeans, and a white polo top with a black jacket.

A police investigation into the incident has since been launched to track down the person responsible.

Sergeant Rob Harrison, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “We are in the process of investigating reports of someone exposing themselves on a public park.

“Clearly none of us want anything like this to happen in our communities, and it’s important that offences of this nature are treated with the seriousness they deserve.

Thorpe Oaks playing field, Coddington. Credit: Google Maps

“Bearing this in mind, our officers will be stepping up visible patrols of this area over the next few days to provide our residents with some reassurance.

“It is important that anyone who witnessed what happened or has any information that could assist us with our inquiries contacts us straight away.

“Information can be left with the police by calling 101, quoting incident 678 of June 2, 2024, or can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”