3 signs of aging we overlook as plastic surgeon says root cause isn't down to skincare

Even though aging is a natural process, our habits and lifestyle can make us look older than our actual age.

We told you about three drinks to avoid that can make you look older and if you aren’t aware of the signs of aging, a plastic surgeon outlines three of them in one of his TikTok videos.

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Plastic surgeon reveals 3 signs of aging

Other than wrinkles, more signs of aging are often overlooked or people aren’t aware of them. Dr. Daniel Barrett discusses the most common factor contributing to this.

Volume In The Upper Lid

Your eyelids are an important feature of your face and its lack of volume is one of the major signs of aging, according to the plastic surgeon.

The eyelid of a young man or a woman is often “full and packed” with volume, whereas it appears hollow among the aged. When the puffiness around the eyelid reduces, plastic surgeons inject fillers around the eyelid to add more volume to the eyelid.

Temporal Hallowing

The said feature can also be distinct among people with a narrow face structure or someone who has lost a drastic amount of weight. But if it appears with age, it’s an obvious sign that your skin is getting older.

It is a natural aging condition that causes an indentation between the eyebro and cheek due to the loss of fat and tissues. This can also be treated with fillers to stimulate semi-permanent natural production.

Look at your hands

Have you seen people who look young but carry hands filled with wrinkles? That’s one of the signs of aging, says the plastic surgeon.

The skin on your hands tends to age faster when exposed to the sun a lot without protecting it with sunscreen. The skin thins out a lot and develops wrinkles over time.

Major cause of aging

The plastic surgeon has revealed in another TikTok video that stress is the “biggest” contributor to aging. Lack of sleep, healthy diet, and unhealthy habits can make you look older too.

He recommends staying out of the sun if you’re looking for a “freeway” to reduce wrinkles and quitting smoking as it can cause premature skin aging.

While exercising is important, not taking proper measures before stepping in the sun for a run can cause “Runner’s Face“. The legitimate condition is unavoidable, but maintaining a healthy diet and quality sleep is also important for the longevity of your running career.

Dr. Daniel Berrett is a plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from James Madison University and obtained his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and two Masters degrees (in Physiology and Health Administration (M.S., M.H.A.)) from the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. He specialized in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, nose, and body with “natural results with minimal downtime, utilizing holistic approaches.”