Wife reveals the brutal truth of marrying a 'blue-collar' man

The wife of a blue-collar man has revealed why such men aren’t all they are slated to be despite their handy toolbelts and can-do attitudes.

Various jobs in the modern age seemingly have an attraction boost attached to them, we’re looking at you police officers, doctors, and finance professionals. Though most would argue that personality traits are more important than a profession, blue-collar workers rank highly in most relationship surveys inquiring about desirable jobs.

Two construction workers in hard hats collaborating on a building site, with one man wiring a window frame.

Blue-collar men are not the ultimate partners, it seems

The allure of a blue-collar man, or tradesman if you’re British, is due to several factors including the reliable pay and demand for work. Having a person who is handy with a toolbelt is also optimal, as evidenced by the amount of people who are unable to do basic DIY.

But as it turns out, tradesmen are not the ultimate partners. The startling revelation was recently revealed by Mama Chass (@chasitejackson), who is arguably the best person to comment as the wife of a blue-collar worker.

Taking to TikTok, the mom-of-two told her 328k followers: “I want a blue-collar man, I want a blue-collar man, do you though? It is eight-something on a Saturday morning and we’re having a great little morning, but guess where he has got to go? Work.”

Both of her kids were visibly upset at their dad leaving, with Mama Chass stating she would be alone with her two “gremlins” until he finished work.

A lot of women had felt the blue-collar burn

Admittedly, most of Mama Chass’ followers were obsessed with the color of her baby’s eyes, though some also shared their own experiences with tradesmen. Thankfully, there seemed to be hope for the blue-collar lovers out there.

One person admitted: “My boyfriend works in a factory and has to work overtime today. Except he works nights so he won’t be home until 11:30 tonight.”

Credit: Unsplash/Clark Young

“My blue-collar works 22 days on and 10 days off so we barely see each other. But it’s allowed me to be a SAHM,” another person wrote.

“Dang My blue collar man is home M-F by 5 pm and never works on weekends,” someone revealed, sparking a slither of hope for the singletons on TikTok.