Nottinghamshire Police investigating after Southwell War Memorial left damaged by car crashing into column

A war memorial has suffered damage — after a car was thought to have crashed into a column.

The War Memorial Arch at the junction of Bishop’s Drive and Memorial Drive, Southwell, is believed to have been hit by a car sometime overnight between Sunday, June 2 and Monday, June 3.

Nottinghamshire Police officers were called at 10.27am on Monday, when the damage was noticed.

Southwell War Memorial, on Bishop's Drive, was damaged overnight.

It is thought to have involved a car, which then left the scene.

Southwell Town Council has also appealed for information and, due to debris left behind, believe the car involved is a grey Audi which will have front end damage.

The memorial has been assessed and made safe by structural engineers
A car is believed to have collided with the war memorial and left the scene.

The road was temporarily closed on Monday morning while the memorial was assessed and made safe by structural engineers.

Police investigations into what happened are ongoing.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting incident 182 of June 3, 2024.