'All over the map': GOP mocked for 'dizzying' effort to spin Hunter Biden trial

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, attends the Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2022, in Washington, DC. - Drew Angerer/Getty Images North America/TNS

Hunter Biden's courtroom nightmare should be a dream come true for Republicans, but his criminal trial instead disproves one of Donald Trump's biggest lies, a columnist wrote Tuesday.

The former president insists the criminal justice system has been rigged against him by President Joe Biden, whose oldest living son is currently on trial for a federal firearm charge that even former GOP congressman Trey Gowdy has admitted is rarely brought against anyone, wrote MSNBC columnist Hayes Brown.

"It presents Trumpists with a circle that refuses to be squared with any sort of logic — but Republicans and conservative media commenters have spurned that sort of thinking as of late," Brown wrote. "Instead, the response to the inconvenient fact of Hunter Biden’s ongoing trial has been all over the map. It’s been used to draw dark, unfounded conclusions, highlight the most embarrassing portions of the case against him or been set to the side entirely to lament Trump’s unfair treatment."

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"A trip through the conservative media is particularly dizzying, with wild attempts to make the trial of a man who has never held and never will hold government office somehow of equal importance to that of a former president of the United States," he added.

Fox News host Sean Hannity predicted Monday that Biden would change his tune on the rule of law, while his network colleague Jeanine Pirro complained the trial was taking place in his home state of Delaware, although she, as a former judge and district attorney, knows that trials occur where the alleged crime was committed.

"Republicans have also been unable to provide a good answer as to why Hunter Biden is being prosecuted at all if the supposedly 'weaponized' DOJ is only interested in targeting conservatives," Brown wrote. "One version has it that the House GOP’s investigations into his father uncovered damaging evidence of alleged Biden administration interference that scrambled a plum plea deal offered to the son. Another narrative hints that the charges are a slap on the wrist meant to act as a smokescreen against supposed more serious crimes involving his father."

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GOP investigations into Biden and his son have turned up nothing to substantiate impeachment charges, and their star witness has been charged with lying to the FBI and linked to Russian intelligence, and have instead been forced to settle for embarrassing the president.

"None of this is to say with any certainty that Hunter Biden is innocent or that his behavior over the years is excusable," Brown wrote. "But the very existence of his trial upsets the GOP’s narrative that Trump is being persecuted. If anything, these trials make me think that maybe we should be a little harsher toward people from famous families like Trump and Biden. It seems like it would help balance out the advantages they possess that so many people caught up in the criminal justice system lack. Think of it as equity under the law."

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