'Democrats have a plan': Marjorie Taylor Greene unleashes new election conspiracy theory

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) claimed Democrats were conspiring to stop November's presidential election.

Greene shared the conspiracy theory while appearing on Alex Jones' program on Wednesday.

"Here's what I think. I don't think the election is guaranteed in November," she told Jones. "President Trump has more support today than any Republican has ever had in history."

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"And if the election is held today and it was free and fair elections, he would win by the biggest landslide in history," she continued. "Alex, I don't know if that's going to happen."

Jones concluded that Democrats were "planning civil unrest."

Greene pointed to Rep. Maxine Waters's (D-CA) confrontational activism as proof that Democrats had a "plan" to prevent the November election.

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"Here she is coming out again, and she is calling the shots, giving the marching orders," she explained. "That means the Democrats have a plan, and that's something to pay attention to."

"We aren't the party of violence," she added. "We never have been the party of violence. January 6th was a setup, an absolute setup."

After ranting that Democrats were "fascists" and "neocons," Greene returned to her claim about the upcoming election.

"Alex, I don't know that we're going to have November, even though everyone's going to turn out and vote," she insisted. "I don't know that it'll happen."

Watch the video below from The Alex Jones Show or click the link.

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