'You might be in a cult': Dem blows up hearing by exposing GOP's Trump 'sycophancy'

Eric Swalwell (House Judiciary Committee/screen grab)

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) triggered anger on the Republican side of the aisle after he suggested that the GOP members were in former President Donald Trump's "cult."

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday, Swalwell pushed back against Republican claims that the Justice Department had been weaponized against Trump.

"My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing up makes sense," Swalwell said. "Your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy, unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult."

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The California Democrat listed reasons why Republicans were zealously following the former president.

"So if you believe in states' rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president, you might be in a cult," he explained. "If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police when the police go to your nominee's house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult."

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"If you're supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting a security clearance, you might be in a cult," he added. "And if the guy you're supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the UK, you might be in a cult."

As Swalwell spoke, one Republican demanded that his words be removed from the record.

But Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) ignored that request and instead repeatedly slammed his gavel on the dias, noting that the Democratic member's time was up.

Watch the video below from House Judiciary.

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