Southwell Town Council call off planning meeting due to lack of councillors, delaying debate on 45-house development

A contested planning application was unable to be debated as planned, due to an inquorate committee.

The planned meeting of Southwell Town Council’s planning committee, due to take place yesterday (June 5), had to be called off as not enough councillors attended.

On the agenda for the meeting was a reserved matters application for Land to the rear of The Vineries, variations of which have faced multiple objections when previously debated by the council.

Southwell Town Council was unable to start its planning meeting due to a lack of councillors.

Members of the public had also attended to share their opinions on the development.

The application is for 45 homes, a mixture of detached, semi detached and terraced properties and bungalows, with associated green spaces and a children’s play area.

An outline application was approved in 2021 allowing an access to be created off Lower Kirklington Road for up to 45 dwellings.

The latest site plan has seen a change in layout of some homes to the south of the site, moving them further away from existing properties on Avondale Lane, and incorporating fences along the boundary with Private Drive to protect the existing hedge, both of which had previously caused concern.

The site of the proposed 45-house development seen from Lower Kirklington Road.

As it could not be debated or voted on yesterday, the application will instead be included in the agenda for the next full council meeting on June 19.

An extension will also be sought to ensure representations can be made by the town council prior to the application going to Newark and Sherwood District Council’s planning committee for decision.