'Donald Trump doesn't like America': Ex-GOP pollster writes MAGA movement's obituary

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump arrives for a rally at Clinton Middle School on January 06, 2024 in Clinton, Iowa. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Republicans booed and walked out on two former Capitol police officers at the Pennsylvania statehouse, and a former GOP pollster was disgusted by that display of antipathy to American democracy.

GOP legislators jeered Harry Dunn and Aquilino Gonell, who have each testified publicly about their violent clash with Donald Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and CNN contributor Sarah Longwell was dismayed by their rude reception.

"They weren't just defending democracy, they were defending the legislators who are at the Capitol that day who had a mob sicced on them," Longwell said. "This is where Republicans have completely lost the plot. I mean, it's like the Alitos' flag at their house. It is completely upside-down in terms of what the Republican Party has decided, that it is going to side with the insurrectionists actively, and you're going to see a lot of signs in here, a lot rhetoric about backing the blue, and that is going to exclude people who backed the blue against insurrections and instead they're going to sing a national anthem to defend the people who attacked the Capitol that day. It's not just politics, like, and this goes back to the conversation we're having about Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden."

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"Right now, these people, these MAGA Republicans, that movement, they don't like America, Donald Trump doesn't like America," Longwell added. "One of the characteristics of the Republican Party that I was attracted to is that it thought America was a good place. We did things right here. We would never do something like storm our own Capitol. That's third-world banana republic stuff, and it's not what happens in the United States of America, and the MAGA movement and Donald Trump has decided to lie ionize these people to the point where legislators in a statehouse think that it is okay to boo the people who defended us actively when they show up."

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