Dentist says you're brushing your teeth wrong if you don't use one 'secret method'

How do you brush you teeth? You just hold the toothbrush and scrub your gnashers for two minutes, right? Wrong.

There is actually a particular brushing method that everyone should be doing twice a day, and it will hugely benefit your teeth.

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You’re brushing your teeth wrong

In a viral TikTok video, dentist Dr. Ben Winters said you’re “not brushing your teeth correctly” and should be using something called the Bass technique. Rather than a back-and-forth or circular motion, which is what everyone does, you need to be angling the toothbrush.

“Instead of going straight onward like this you want to angle [the toothbrush] up to the gum tissue,” he said while demonstrating.

With your toothbrush angled, you do “little circles” in the gum tissue of each tooth before flicking downwards. After that, you go back and forth on the top and bottom teeth before repeating the same process on the bottom set, circles then flick upwards.

“The reason why this is important is you actually have hidden tooth structure underneath your gum tissue, so you need to get up underneath,” he explained.

Bass technique of brushing

Dr. Winters called it a “secret method,” although it’s not actually secret at all – people just don’t know much about brushing.

The Bass technique is named after an American medical doctor called Dr. Charles C. Bass who died in 1975, aged 100. He helped us understand many diseases including malaria and hookworm, and later studied the relationship between dental health and general wellbeing.

The brushing technique is now approved by dentists worldwide. A 2018 review found it was the most effective method in reducing plaque and gingivitis.

Colgate outlines the following steps:

  • Hold the toothbrush parallel to your teeth
  • Tilt the brush to a 45-degree angle
  • Angle it so the bristles are slightly under the gumline
  • With firm, gentle pressure, use a circular motion and brush 15 to 20 times before moving to the next area
  • Brush all teeth on the outer surface and then clean the back of the teeth using the same motions
  • Hold the toothbrush in a vertical position behind your front teeth and brush up and down
  • Brush the chewing surface of the molars and your tongue
Copyright ©Sally Anscombe 2020

How to keep your teeth healthy

For good dental hygiene, MedlinePlus says you should brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least two minutes each time. Use fluoride toothpaste as this helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay.

You should also floss at least once per day as this removes plaque that is left behind after brushing. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if needed, as a worn-out toothbrush will not clean your teeth as well.

Eating a healthy diet, avoiding sugary food and drinks, not smoking and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist will all contribute to a healthy mouth. Good teeth are clean and have no cavities, while healthy gums are pink and firm, and do not bleed.

Dr. Ben Winters, better known as The Bentist, is a qualified Orthodontist at Wincrest Orthodontics in Plano, Texas. He is part of the American Association of Orthodontists and specializes in providing braces for children, teens, and adults.