Nottinghamshire Widlife Trust: Join trust in nurturing nature in ‘wild’ June

With June, and theoretically, summer, now upon us, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is urging everyone to nurture nature as we celebrate the tenth birthday of 30 Days Wild – our UK wide nature challenge, writes Erin McDaid, of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

The month-long nature challenge to do something wild each day is backed by Dermot O’Leary and Dr Amir Khan. Locally, we’re exciting that litter picking, sustainable living ambassadors Waimi, Mbetmi & Yimi – triplets from Hucknall known as Planet Trio (@PlanetTrios) - are taking part too. We we can’t wait to see what they get up to over the next 30 Days.

Research by the University of Derby revealed that 30 Days Wild improves nature connectedness and inspires pro-nature behaviour. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust wants to inspire a wave of local action to nurture nature throughout the month across local communities. I’m planning to sow more seeds for pollinators and hoping to make progress with a wildlife pond on my allotment, but across the 30 days of June the options are endless. You could create a wild patch or mini meadow with native plants; do a litter pick at a local nature spot or park, reduce food waste by creating compost at home or get involved in a community growing project.

Plant more pollinators. Photo: Michael Walker

30 Days Wild is always fun and because it can be interpreted in so many ways, it is naturally inclusive. As we celebrate its tenth birthday we hope to see as many people as possible planting, sowing, growing, volunteering and campaigning for wildlife locally. Every act to restore nature helps people too. Research has consistently found that the people who take part in 30 Days Wild benefit from increased health, happiness and a great sense of connection with nature. The research has also shown that the challenge inspires pro-nature behaviours too – acting as a springboard for people to take action to reverse nature loss. The success of 30 Days Wild over the past decade proves that we have so much to gain from the act of finding joy in helping nature and this ace challenge is all about encouraging people to take the first step.

30 Days Wild has grown from 12,000 participants in its first year, to over half a million consecutively for the past three years. Whilst 30 Days Wild is all about connecting with nature and nurturing nature, with the General Election around the corner there are also a number of actions you can take to help secure nature’s long-term recovery.

On Saturday 22nd of June, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will be one of over 150 organisations supporting a family friendly peaceful march and demonstration in London under the Restore Nature Now banner. Joining us on the 22nd would be a great addition to your 30 Days Wild tick list. I’ll be there and hope many of you will be there too.

The common frog. Photo: Margaret Holland

Whilst the General Election will come after the end of 30 Days Wild 2024, you could use the challenge as a prompt to tell the Prospective Parliamentary Candidates in your area how much you care about nature or to ask them what three things they plan to do to support nature’s recovery. Whilst polling day isn’t until July 4th, the deadline for registering to vote is June 18th. So, if you’re not already registered, especially if you’re only now just old enough to vote, mark this important date in your diary and make sure you’re registered to have your say.

If you or someone you know is already doing great things for nature in our county, then be sure to apply for or nominate someone for our Wilder Nottinghamshire Awards. It only takes a few minutes and there are categories for everything from amazing wildlife champions to community initiatives and wildlife friendly farms. Don’t delay though as the deadline is Monday 17th June – making this another great 30 Days Wild option.

The 30 Days Wild challenge

To register for your free 30 Days Wild Activity pack or find out more about the Wilder Nottinghamshire Awards visit

You can register to vote at

Detail about how to take part in 30 Days Wild can be found at and details of the vital march in London can be found at