'Not the same': Inter Miami's Lionel Messi shares honest verdict on whether he'll play at the 2026 World Cup

Inter Miami captain Lionel Messi has now shared his honest verdict on if he’ll play for Argentina at the 2026 FIFA World Cup.

The 36-year-old attacker is reaching the final years of his incredible career, with Messi the most decorated player in the history of soccer having won everything there is to win for both club and country.

The current World Cup and Copa America holder with Argentina, this summer’s competition in the United States has been rumored as the last one Messi will play for his national team having been in the setup for almost 20 years.

Yet Messi has now hinted if he could be in the squad for the 2026 World Cup.

Photo by Daniel Jayo/Getty Images

Messi coy over if he’ll play at the 2026 World Cup with Argentina

Speaking to Infobae, the reigning Ballon d’Or holder didn’t give a clear answer on if he’ll play at the 2026 World Cup with Argentina, where the attacker will be pushing 39-years-old in two years time.

With Messi already struggling with fitness issues this season for Inter Miami, the chances that the Argentine could compete in 2026 seem slim, to say the least, and the forward seems to know that as well.

Messi said: “There’s a while left and I don’t know how I’m going to be at that moment. Age is also a reality that is there, although it is a number, the games that I am going to play are not the same as the ones I played when I was in Europe.

“It was every three days, in the Champions League or in the league when I was in France and Spain. But it depends on how I feel and how I feel when I’m next to my teammates and see if I’m still up to the task or not.”

Photo by CHRIS ARJOON/AFP via Getty Images

Inter Miami form could dictate Messi’s international future

Messi has been outstanding for Inter Miami this season with the attacker already in double digits for both goals and assists in all competitions, with the Herons also managing the forward’s minutes correctly.

And Messi’s form and fitness for the Florida franchise could be what dictates the 36-year-old’s international future, should the forward decide to continue with Argentina after the Copa America.

Indeed, the day Messi retires from international soccer will be a sad day for the sport, yet the story between the greatest of all time and Argentina might not be over just yet.