Everton fans are all saying the same thing after Sean Dyche is pictured doing one thing in Ibiza

After the season they have just endured, Everton fans would be forgiven for just enjoying a summer without their club playing football.

Especially given the last three years have all been wrought with relegation fears, with last campaign a particularly precarious one given the two points deductions suffered due to financial breaches.

It felt incredibly harsh, and the Evertonians reacted in kind to showcase their displeasure with the Premier League.

But in the end, it did not matter, as Sean Dyche led his side to comfortable safety in the end at last.

However, it is what he has been doing after the season that has really caught the eye of some fans.

Everton fans react to Sean Dyche at CamelPhat concert in Ibiza

The former Burnley boss is renowned for loving his music, and has been pictured at Glastonbury many times before.

However, more recently he actually became a star of a music video, featuring in The Blossoms’ new track ‘What Can I Say After Sorry?’

It took the football world by surprise, and Everton fans found it fantastic.

And now, his presence in Ibiza to watch CamelPhat perform has drawn a similar response:

One fan would sum up the feeling of the masses, simply writing: ‘Sean Dyche in Ibiza is not a thing I expected to see today.’

Another laughed at the frequency with which Dyche is pictured at events like this, as he claimed: ‘Gets about Sean doesn’t he’.

Sean Dyche has earned his downtime

After the horrors that a campaign in charge of Everton can bring, particularly last season in the Premier League, it’s fair to say that all those associated with the club have earned some rest, however brief it may be.

The 52-year-old, who came during arguably the club’s lowest point, is undoubtedly atop the list of those who have earned a holiday.

He has steered this sinking ship through some of the most tumultuous seas, and somehow brought the club out the other side relatively unscathed.

And what’s worse is that he’ll have to do it all over again next campaign, likely with a depleted squad, after PSR pressures inevitably force the club to offload their top talents.

The misery is unrelenting at Everton, and yet Dyche remains.

Hopefully he can recharge his batteries over the summer and return ready to coach this squad to another comfortable finish, way clear of the relegation zone.