Doctor reveals the true 'key to being happy', and it’s not good health

We only have one life, so it’s important to live it to the fullest and be happy each and every day, but that’s easier said than done.

With the trials and tribulations of life, being joyous isn’t always possible – or is it? A doctor has revealed the true ‘key to being happy’ – and it’s something we can all do.

Copyright Copyright Tim Robberts 2022

Doctor reveals ‘key to happiness’

“You will never reach a point where everything in your life is sorted, or neat and tidy,” Dr. Alex George said on TikTok. “In reality, when you achieve one thing like sort your health out, your career becomes difficult.”

When your career becomes sorted, a family issue then arises and it feels like a never-ending stream of problems, but there is a solution. The doctor said there will always be a hardship you’re facing, but the key to true happiness is “being able to find the joy in life despite the challenges”.

“If you put the challenge at the center of your life every single time and you think ‘When I overcome this I’ll be happy’ you’ll never be happy, because as soon as you overcome that challenge there will be a new one.”

There’s never a time in life where there isn’t something going on that you’re dealing with, but you shouldn’t let those things you’re facing dominate your entire life.

“If you do, you’ll be 70 years old looking back and thinking ‘What did I do in life? I faced challenges’,” he said.

Shifting your mindset to find joy even while facing these problems will make a huge difference to your life. Don’t say ‘I’ll be happy when’ – be happy now because there are still joyous moments amongst the challenges.

6 tips to help you live happier

The NHS has shared six tips to help you be happier in life despite the hardships you are facing.

1. Manage your stress

Stressful situations are sometimes unavoidable, but it’s how you deal with that stress that will make a huge difference to your happiness. Finding ways to reduce it, such as exercise and self-care, can improve your general wellbeing, and breathing techniques can help manage anxiety.

2. Do things you enjoy

It sounds obvious, but doing things you truly enjoy will make you happier even when dealing with challenges. Perhaps it’s watching a movie with a friend, soaking in a long bath or meeting up with family. Doing activities like cooking or dancing are great too, and bring a sense of achievement.

3. Boost your self-esteem

Making an effort to boost your confidence and self-esteem will make you feel happier and better about yourself. The best way to do this is to stop putting yourself down and start treating yourself in a positive and honest way, like you would a friend.

4. Have a healthy lifestyle

Making healthy choices is a great way to improve happiness too. This includes limiting alcohol intake, eating a well-balanced diet, doing exercise and getting enough sleep. The NHS recommends adults get seven to eight hours of sleep per night for body and mind to fully rest.

5. Talk and share

You’ve probably heard the age-old saying ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’, but it’s actually true. Sharing your problems with others, whether it’s a friend, family member or counsellor, helps you to release tension, strengthen your relationships and connect with people.

6. Build your resilience

Resilient people tend to be happier as they are better at dealing with difficult situations. A great way to build your resilience is by making something good out of bad experiences by. For example, writing, painting or singing can help you express pain and get through hard times.

Dr. Alex George is a Welsh physician who gained his medical degree from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry.