Prince Harry's latest legal fight looks like 'proof' he is 'missing his old life'

Prince Harry’s legal fight for royal-grade security in the UK is indicative of a desire to return to his old home comforts, a royal commentator has suggested.

Stateside Prince Harry has not been spotted publically with other senior members of The Firm since King Charles‘ coronation last May – partly due to an ongoing legal dispute centered around the security provision he receives while in Britain. In a battle that has been ongoing since February 2020, Harry is attempting to make the case to the British High Court that he should receive the same level of security given to senior members of the royal family when in the UK, despite the fact he resigned from royal duty in January 2020. Harry lost his first attempt in the court and was initially banned from appealing the decision – though this decision has been overturned.

Security case is ‘proof’ Prince Harry misses home, says commentator

According to royal commentator Kinsey Schofield, Harry’s repeated attempts to fight for his security personnel and fight against the appeal decision, show a willingness on his part to return to his homeland, and the frivolities associated with the UK.

Speaking to GB News this week, Schofield was asked by the host if she believes Harry’s recent legal struggles indicate a desire to return to the UK, to which she replied with an emphatic “I do!”

“To fight so much, to fight so fiercely, and to spend so much money, is absolute proof that Harry wants a foot in the UK,” claimed Schofield. “He misses his old life and wants the option to jump on a plane and go home and see his old friends.”

Referencing friend of the royal family Hugh Grosvenor’s recent wedding, at which Harry was not in attendance, Schofield added: “I think he likely very much wishes he was at the Duke of Westminster’s wedding, and I do think there are some elements to his old life that he misses.”

Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage

Schofield not optimistic over Harry’s appeal chances

Discussing the likelihood of Harry being successful in his appeal against the court’s initial ruling, Schofield admitted that she can’t see the legal minds of the British courts having a change of heart.

“Prince Harry can and will be able to appeal against the dismissal,” explained Schofield, before adding: “I personally believe another set of eyeballs will also find Ravec’s (the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures) decision-making fair.”

Harry’s initial claim was overseen by the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures, who Schofield referred to as Ravec. Earlier this year the High Court judge, Lord Justice Bean said of Harry’s appeal that “The bespoke process devised for the claimant in the decision of February 28, 2020 was, and is, legally sound”.

At the time of writing, no official timeline has been given in reference to Harry’s appeal, though the consensus would indicate that the Prince of Wales will continue to fight for his security aid.

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