Prince Harry 'licking his wounds' as William's new photo represents his 'worst nightmare'

A royal commentator has made a subtle observation about Prince William’s regalia at a recent D-Day event that she claims will be hard for Prince Harry to stomach.

Political leaders and royal figures from the UK, France and the US came together last week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in WW2. In a series of events that took place throughout the week, the likes of Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron were joined by a host of members of the royal family, including King Charles. Among the royals present was Prince William – and though his brother was not in attendance, a royal commentator has speculated about one specific detail in William’s outfit that she believes will cause pain for the stateside Prince Harry.

The significance of Prince William’s D-Day tie for Harry

Dedicated royal correspondent Daniela Elser has had her say on William’s appearance at last week’s D-Day events, after pointing out what she believes was a significant detail in the Prince of Wales’ outfit.

On June 6, William attended the official international D-Day commemoration ceremony in Normandy, France, and could be seen wearing a blue and red striped tie, alongside the military medals one would typically expect to see the royals wearing at such an event.

The significance of this tie is that it belongs to the Army Air Corps (AAC) – the combat aviation legion of the British Army, of which William was made colonel-in-chief last month in an appointment made by Charles.

Why this will pain Harry, according to Elser, is because the California resident trained a pilot with the AAC, meaning he would likely have been handed this position had he not resigned from royal duty – the Australian writer suspects.

Photo by Jordan Pettitt – Pool/Getty Images

Royal commentator thinks William picture represents Harry’s ‘worst nightmare’

Discussing how she believes Harry will feel seeing the pictures of William adorning the AAC tie, Elser explained how she thinks the ex-army member will be taking it fairly hard.

“How must it have felt for Harry to watch his brother wearing the tie of his old military outfit, flying the flag for the country that he has actually gone to war to serve, twice?” asked Elser. “It’s the picture that must surely represent his worst nightmare.”

Noting how Harry is no stranger to missing public appearances these days, Elser added: “Of all the major events and milestone moments that Harry has missed in recent years while he licks his wounds on the West Coast and disconsolately makes his way through another slice of avocado toast, this D-Day outing was the one where his absence felt most conspicuous.

“At a moment all about honoring the unthinkable courage and bravery of servicepeople, the omission of the one member of Crown Inc who has also shown such courage and bravery felt strangely hollow.”

With Harry and William seemingly more estranged now than ever, it looks as though Harry will continue to join the rest of us in watching royal ongoings from afar, for now.

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