Alleged Calcot drug dealer Damon Gallon sent to crown court in custody

A MAN accused of drug dealing has been remanded in custody.

Damon Gallon appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Monday, May 20.

The 23-year-old, of Conway Road, Calcot, is accused of possessing the Class A-controlled drug, cocaine, with intent to supply it.

He is further accused of possessing the Class B-controlled drug cannabis with intent to supply it.

Finally, Mr Gallon is charged with possessing criminal property, namely, cash.

All the offences were said to have happened in Maidenhead, Berkshire, on Friday, May 17.

Mr Gallon, who was legally represented by Bawita Dhanda, was told the case was being sent to Reading Crown Court to be dealt with by a judge and, in the event of a trial, by a jury on a date to be fixed.

District judge Samuel Goozee meanwhile denied him bail and remanded him in custody.