Free business advice session organised by Newark and Sherwood District Council in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council,

Businesses have the chance to boost their performance and growth with free one-hour sessions with an expert Business Adviser.

The sessions, organised by Newark and Sherwood District Council in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council.

They are aimed at established businesses who have been trading for three years and above.

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Sessions are available between 9am until 4.45pm and will be held on Tuesday (July 23) at Gusto House, a co-working space in Collingham.

Businesses will have the opportunity to receive free expert advice from Dawn Fear, who has extensive experience in supporting businesses across various sectors and stages of development.

Dawn can offer valuable insights into how to make your business flourish through her critical friend approach, covering topics such as strategy, marketing, finance, innovation and more.

The District Council's Economic Growth team also works with local businesses to help them in various ways, such as advice, guidance and support.

The surgery is one form of support they provide, but they also offer other services, such as a free grant-finding service, a commercial property search service, and workshops on topics like cyber resilience, sustainability and finances.

The District Council also runs a Business Support Hub every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm at Inspire Buttermarket in Newark, where you can talk informally with a team member.

Matt Lamb, director of planning and Growth at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “We are delighted to offer this opportunity to local businesses who want to take their enterprise to the next level. Dawn Fear is a highly respected and knowledgeable Business Adviser who can provide tailored and practical guidance to help businesses overcome their challenges and maximise their potential.

“I encourage business owners in the district to take up this offer and see how it can support you and help grow your business.”

Dawn Fear, business adviser, said: “I am looking forward to meeting with the businesses in Newark and Sherwood and finding out how I can support them. Whether they need help with developing a business plan, accessing funding, expanding their market, improving their productivity or any other aspect of running a successful business, I am here to help.”

Attendees will also be able to arrange a follow-up visit from Dawn, depending on their business needs. Previous attendees have praised the sessions as useful, friendly, supportive and inspirational.

Previous attendees have said: “We had a useful chat talking about focussing my business aims and future. Dawn offered friendly and supportive advice with clear next steps and advice.”

“Had a very helpful discussion of where our business is now and where we go next. Dawn provided inspiration about how to formalise our plans and take our next steps.”

To book your session, contact Will Parkinson by emailing Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.