Most Ukrainians back Zelenskyy's presidency until end of war, survey finds

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The survey was conducted between May 26 and June 1.

Depending on the region of residence, 65-74% of respondents supported Zelenskyy remaining in office, with 22% opposed.

According to KIIS, the vast majority of Ukrainians do not doubt the legitimacy of the president.

56% of people somewhat or completely approve of Zelenskyy's performance as president of Ukraine, while 37% somewhat or completely disapprove.

The KIIS noted that Zelenskyy's approval has decreased compared to last year, but still remains high. A survey conducted in September 2023 showed that 77% of Ukrainians approved of the president.

The majority of Ukrainians—69%—have a neutral to positive attitude towards the current president, although the share of those who admire his has fallen (from 33% in July 2022 to 8% now), KIIS noted.

The survey was conducted via phone interviews, reaching 2,011 adult Ukrainians across government-controlled territory. The sampling error is no more than 2.4% for figures closer to 50% and no more than 0.5% for figures closer to 1%.

Read also: Ukrainians show resiliency: Corruption down, support for EU & NATO up, IRI survey finds

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко