Former Interior Ministry official charged in $400,000 fraud case


At least two individuals were charged in the case, with their names not yet disclosed: the former official and their accomplice who runs a private company.

According to NABU, the investigation established that in 2020, a department head within the Interior Ministry colluded with the owner and director of a private enterprise to secure a government contract for the supply of computer equipment totaling over UAH 26 million ($640,000).

The firm allegedly purchased this equipment from the manufacturer at market prices through intermediary companies and then sold it to the state at almost three times the market price, resulting in state losses of UAH 16.6 million.

The director of the enterprise has been detained, and the court has ruled for her to be held in custody with bail set at UAH 3 million ($74,000).

Read also: Former NABU agent on derailed anti-corruption investigation — interview

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski