Nottinghamshire Police launch appeal for witnesses after delivery driver attacked

Police investigating an attack against a delivery driver have appealed for help in catching the people responsible.

The victim, a man in his 30s, was parked by the side of the road in Eakring Lane, near Kirklington, when he was approached by two people shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, May 28, this year.

As he tried to prevent the suspects removing a package from the back of his van, he was punched to the face before his attackers fled the scene on an electric scooter.

Nottinghamshire Police have launched an appeal for witnesses.

Officers are appealing to trace at least one driver who is believed to have passed by at the time of the incident.

Sergeant Harry Wicks, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “This was an extremely unpleasant experience for the victim who was targeted as he took a break in a remote location.

“Although we have only a limited description of the offenders, we do believe that one of them may have sustained a minor facial injury during the ensuing scuffle.

“For that reason, we’d like to hear from anyone living locally who noticed a male acquaintance with an unexplained injury on that afternoon.

“We also believe that at least one passing motorist may have driven by and been unaware of what was happening, so we are also encouraging them to come forward.”

Anyone with information is asked to come forward quoting incident 406 of May 28, 2024.