The Mariners Galley in Rushall thanks its customers as it celebrates first year

A family-run cafe, which was serving customers just three days after being spotted on the internet, has celebrated its first year in business.

Stradbroke couple Amy and Glenn Hoddy, who run The Mariners Galley in Rushall alongside their 19-year-old son, Ryan Chettle, held a party with some of their customers to celebrate the landmark at the start of the month.

The anniversary felt all the sweeter due to the business being found purely by chance 12 months ago.

Amy and Glenn Hoddy, with son Ryan Chettle, outside The Mariners Galley Cafe in Rushall. Picture: Mark Bullimore

Mr Hoddy, the 51-year-old chef of the Galley, said: “We were doing pop-ups and theme nights at local community centres and we wanted to do something more, but just did not know what.

“Then, one Sunday morning, I woke up and was online and saw the restaurant – it was fate.

“We went over that afternoon to have a look at the site. By the Tuesday, we had shaken hands to take the place on that evening.”

The party for The Mariners Galley saw many of its customers come to celebrate. Picture submitted

The name for the cafe came from Mr Hoddy’s catering career, which saw him serve six years in the Navy as a chef and 13 years for oil rig safety boats in the Merchant Navy.

Describing his food, he said: “It is homely cooked food with everything made in my kitchen and as many ingredients sourced within 30 miles.

“I know my customers; they love the classics such as pies, ham, egg and chips, lasagne and burgers.

“With Ryan running the front of house, I believe we have the complete package.”

Amy and Glenn Hoddy, with son Ryan Chettle, inside The Mariners Galley Cafe in Rushall. Picture: Mark Bullimore

The cafe also runs bistro nights once a month, which consistently sell out.

Mrs Hoddy who works at Yaxley House Care Home as a support worker and helps out at the business, said they already have bookings for November and December.

The 40-year-old added: “The support we have had for our little 44-seater cafe since we started here has been overwhelming.

“We are really building momentum but, without our loyal customers and people who help us in the cafe, like Eleanor Clint who covers Sundays for us, we would not be where we are and we really do thank everyone for the support.”