Simple two-step exercise could 'boost' your happiness, motivational speaker says

Happiness is one of the most treasured feelings and a motivational speaker swears by a technique that supposedly can make your life joyous anytime.

Even though being happy is a state of mind most value, you shouldn’t get carried away by the idea of positive thinking; especially when it comes to truth. But looking within yourself in the quest for answers can change your life for good.

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Motivational speaker says you look for what is lost

American author, podcaster, and motivational speaker Mel Robbins says people want to be happier because they miss being happy.

She explains in her TikTok video that most of us crave the feeling because it’s lost from our lives and we look for means to recreate it.

This could be a happy memory you hold on to, or life experiences that fill you with joy. When it’s lacking is when you feel sad and depressed. “You can only miss things that you know,” the podcaster says, before sharing a simple exercise to find happiness again.

She used the said technique to help her daughter recover from depression when she tried to drown her sorrows in excessive drinking, ending in a mental breakdown.

Mel’s method may not influence all individuals similarly owing to the different life experiences we share as humans. However, she says it can prove effective if you can relive certain aspects of your life.

Simple exercise to create happiness

Mel suggests taking a sheet of paper and drawing a line in the middle to list everything that made you happy in the past.

While you make a note of things that brought joy in the past on one side, use the other to write down what your life looks like in the present.

Then, compare the aspects of your past and present to figure out what’s missing from your life right now, stopping you from being happy. For instance, if you were happier a few years ago when you had a routine and were surrounded by friends, it’s time to recreate those experiences.

Say you sleep in till noon now and don’t pay attention to your diet, the chances are you are not too content or happy as a healthy lifestyle is crucial for happiness.

“Compare and change accordingly. Your whole life is about those little things you do every day. And if you’re not happy, get out a piece of paper, draw a line down the center, and write down the things that you were a happier or healthier person, she says.

Mel Robbins is a successful podcaster, author, and motivational speaker, known for her TEDx talk ‘How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over’ and the books she has penned such as ‘The 5 Second Rule’ and ‘The High 5 Habit’. She holds a Doctor of Law degree from Boston College Law School.