Gers clash on value of 19-goal striker target as report details selling club’s stiff demands

Albion Rrahmani is probably the most high-profile Rangers transfer link in a pre-season dominated by talk of new signings.

Philippe Clement has made no bones about the scale of the rebuild at Rangers this summer with fans finally having enough with their stuttering second place side.

But so far there has not been enough movement to back up all the chatter whilst several of the club’s most high profile public pursuits have ended in disappointment.

Giovanni van Bronckhorst is reportedly at the centre of the latest.

Now, a report in Romania has been detailing the situation with Albion Rrahmani after the Rapid president publicly threw out a bid earlier in the week.

Photo by Vasile Mihai-Antonio/Getty Images

Rapid name Rrahmani transfer price

Kosovan striker Albion Rrahmani is a man in demand.

Not only are Rangers said to be hot on the heels of the 23-year-old forward, but Rrahmani’s 19 goals from last season are said to have turned heads in England, Portugal and Italy.

Nonetheless it has been Rangers who’ve been closely mentioned with the Ibrox side said to be leading the pack until quotes from Rapid president Viorel Moldovan emerged in Romania this week.

Moldovan was out slamming lowball bids for his team’s star striker, suggesting instead that Rrahmani might stick around in Romania next season.

Now a report in Romanian publication Sport Bull has sought to provide a little bit of clarity regarding what all the fuss is about.

The report claims that Rangers and Rapid don’t see eye-to-eye over Rrahmani’s valuation.

Whilst it makes no claim regarding the bid Rapid have received for the forward, it does provide a ceiling on Rangers’ transfer interest.

It’s claimed Rangers value the striker at a maximum of €6m (£5m) whilst Rapid are demanding €8m (£6.75m).

Rangers on hunt for striker targets

What does it mean?

Well, Rangers are not in the mood to be messed around this summer and Nils Koppen & co will not be shy on moving on quickly if the goalposts are moved.

This happened in the case of Jose Cordoba before the Panamanian defender moved to Norwich City.

Rangers have also launched a reported £1.7m bid to sign Moroccan striker Hamza Igamane from FAR Rabat.

Whilst the links around this move have gone a little cold in recent days, any prospective move for Igamane is not expected to impact the hunt for Rrahmani.

That’s if Rangers haven’t pulled the plug completely.

According to one leading Ibrox insider Rangers are on the hunt for two new strikers this summer with the club set to reinforce last season’s stuttering frontline.

If Albion Rrahmani is not one of the options brought into the club, links to a striker currently plying his trade at Euro 2024 have resurfaced this week.