'Self-aware narcissist' lists 9 phrases he uses to get what he wants

As if a romantic relationship with a narcissist isn’t devious enough, they often say things that’ll chip away at your confidence and very existence.

Even though narcissism falls on a spectrum, people with the problematic personality type lack empathy. They are determined to have their needs met at the cost of anything and everything. A ‘self-aware’ narcissist has listed nine common phrases he and others with the same condition often use in a relationship to get what they want.

9 common phrases narcissists always use

TikTok user The Bat Wolf is a “self-aware narcissist”, working towards bringing more awareness to the mental condition. In one of his videos, he lists common phrases you hear from him or others with the same personality type.

  • “Why are you starting fights with me?”
  • “Why are you overreacting?’
  • “I’m leaving.”
  • “I guess I’m just a piece of sh*t”
  • “Believe whatever you want.”
  • “Why are you sensitive?”
  • “Why do you make everything a big deal?”
  • “You’re crazy.”
  • “I don’t even know why I’m still in a relationship with you.”

They avoid accountability

Narcissists have a sense of grandiosity and are highly sensitive to criticism. In any given situation, it’s easier for them to shift the blame onto others to avoid accountability.

The phrases they use are to either leave the target confused or evade problems without having to take the blame. Calling names such as “crazy” or “dramatic” is their way of gaslighting you and minimizing the actual problem that they are.

Any kind of relationship with a narcissist can do great harm to your mental and physical health in the long run. Therefore, always look out for subtle signs that you’re dating a narcissist and educate yourself about the tactics they always use to hoover you back into the relationship.

If you think you’re friends with a narcissist, which can be tricker, learn ways to handle them and the relationship without compromising your mental peace and overall life.