Former spy’s honest answer when asked how many people she’s killed

Sounding like it was stolen from a spy movie, one question, “how many people have you killed?” isn’t something most of us face on a regular basis, but for one former agent, it is.

It’s not a question many of us would ever consider having to answer. Nor is it a question many of us find ourselves asking. But for Aliia Roza, whose storied past includes stints in the Secret Service and as an ambassador for educational charity Best Beginnings, it’s a question with an answer.

Photo by Jacopo M. Raule/Getty Images for WIBA Awards LLP

Ex-KGB agent turned seduction coach quizzed on how many people she has killed

Recently, Neil Strauss interviewed Aliia Roza on the To Die For podcast about sexpionage – a colloquial term for espionage and manipulation rooted in the disingenuous formulation of intimate relationships.

He asked the former spy how many people she had killed during her time in the military.

“The truth is, I really don’t know,” she replies. “I really don’t, and I don’t want to know. It’s not like the movie Mr & Mrs Smith where he asks her how many did she kill, and she’s like ‘365.’ It’s not like that.”

“You’re not proud of that,” she says, becoming emotional. “It’s hard to live with this. And for many years, for almost 20 years, I lived with this guilt.”

Roza goes on to talk about wanting to end her life because of the trauma she experienced during that time. She describes it as “pain all over my body, all over my brain, my soul.”

Now Aliia Roza is looking to cash in on her work as a honeytrap agent

Since she left Russia, Roza has lived in London, Italy, Switzerland and France. Now she lives in the US, and has made a name for herself as a seduction coach.

“Seduce like a spy,” reads the homepage text on the To Die For Spy website. “Learn how to seduce anyone with the help of honey trap secret agent techniques.”

In an ebook that costs $49, Roza claims to be sharing “secret spy techniques.” She also claims to be the “only former secret Sexpionage agent.”

Alongside her efforts at entrepreneurialism, Roza set up an organization that provides training courses to help women “learn techniques of influencing, share their life stories, and meet new friends.” Her IMDB bio lists coach, public speaker for women’s empowerment, philanthropist, and TV host among her many professional identities.

Who is Aliia Roza?

Born into a Kazakh-Tartar family, Aliia Roza used to rub shoulders with high-ranking military officers in the Soviet Union.

Age 18, her father sent her to a military espionage academy, she told L’Utopia Magazine in 2022. There, she learned seduction, influence, and manipulation techniques. She later fled the military, and her home country.

“I can’t forget how young girls of 12-18 years were being dragged and kidnapped,” she says.

“I promised myself to do everything to stop it and protect the young generation of women. After leaving the military, I began raising donations for charities supporting women and children, and delivered speeches and talks on how to prevent abuse, manipulation, and violence.”

Instead of engaging in conflict, she writes in the caption to the clip quoted here, “we should strive for love and harmony within ourselves and extend that love to others.”

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