Man gives his date a survey after their first meeting but was left horrified

Going on a first date is all about making a great first impression, and in some ways it could be fun to ask the other person for feedback, right? Well, a man gave his date a survey after their first date, but the score he received back certainly left him surprised.

Speaking about his dating life, comedian Caleb Hearon told his podcast listeners about a time he sent his date a survey and was left horrified when the score did not live up to his expectations.

Man gives his date a survey after their first date

Left: Credit: Goodboy Picture Company via Getty Images Right: Credit: filo via Getty Images

American comedian, writer, and actor Caleb Hearon recently welcomed musician Brian Robert Jones on his podcast ‘So True with Caleb Hearon.’

The pair sat down to talk about touring, summer trends, the state of American politics, and they even touched on Caleb’s dating stories.

A viral TikTok clip shows Caleb explaining the time he went on a first date, that he thought went well, and the guy seemed interested in him.

So, as the couple were kissing goodbye, Caleb joked about leaving a survey review by saying: “You might get a survey about this date. It would just mean a lot to me if you could give an honest response.”

Comedian Caleb recalled that his date laughed pretty hard at the joke, so he “chased the laughter” and humorously created a survey, simply as a way to flirt and possibly set up a second date.

Using Google Forms, Caleb created a survey that asked questions about the date and had multiple choice answer opinions ranging from ‘bad’ to ‘good’ and number ratings from ‘1’ to ‘5’, you get the gist…

First-date survey results left Caleb horrified

Caleb and his guest Brian Robert Jones were sat laughing about the survey idea until Caleb revealed that his date’s response was “really honest,” possibly a little too honest.

One of the survey questions asked: “How likely would you be to recommend Caleb to a friend or see him for a second date?”

The question could be answered on a scale of 1 – 5, and Caleb thought he would perhaps select the best option, so he could arrange a second date based on the survey response.

However, Caleb announced that his date chose the rating ‘3’, suggesting that their first date did not go as well as Caleb had thought.

While reminiscing on the story, Caleb stated that “it hurt even more” when he received the almost brutally honest feedback, whereas he was hoping it would start a lighthearted joke.

The podcast guests could not stop laughing about the situation, and Caleb revealed that he has not spoken to the man from the date since receiving his survey results.