Newbury boy rowing to raise funds for Loose Ends homelessness charity

A Newbury schoolboy is half-way through a mammoth charity challenge aimed at tackling hunger and homelessness.

Eleven-year-old Oscar Best has tasked himself with rowing 60km for homelessness charity, Loose Ends — despite never having rowed before.

Oscar Best doing a rowing challenge to raise money for Loose Ends charity in Newbury

And with just two weeks remaining, he needs the public’s support to reach his £500 fundraising target.

“He’s always been very conscious of homeless people and doing what he can to help them,” said Oscar’s mother, Lyndsey Best.

Oscar has never rowed before, his mother says

“He decided he wanted to something a bit different. He was really specific about who he wanted to raise the money for.”

Oscar rows 2km daily, once each morning before his 7.45am school bus, and the rest after he returns home at 5pm.

Eleven-year-old Oscar Best is doing his bit for charity

“I keep saying to him he could do longer at the weekend so he could have a day off, but he wants to do it every day,” added Mrs Best.

Loose Ends runs a drop-in centre serving hot meals out of Newbury Cricket Club.

Please visit to support Oscar’s fundraiser.