Tiny Town cafe in Newbury supports families in need with foodbank tickets and ‘pay it forward’ scheme

A Newbury cafe has started a scheme to support those struggling financially, writes Grace Clift.

Tiny Town, the children’s role play centre and cafe, is donating two family tickets a month to the

Tiny Town is paying it forward

foodbank, so that families with children aged 0-six can have a free day out, including food and drink, at Tiny Town.

As well as this, the family-run business has a ‘pay it forward’ scheme that goes towards the cost of food and drinks for families in need.

The owners said the mass of support they’ve been given over the last few months, since opening in October last year, is the inspiration for the good deeds.

The ‘pay it forward’ scheme is a way for customers to give support, and the foodbank tickets are a way for the company to “pay back” to the community, they said.

Tiny Town is paying it forward

Tiny Town is an independent company based in the Kennet Centre that aims to encourage children’s imaginations, while also giving parents the opportunity to take a break for themselves.

The role play centre has over 10 sets, including a supermarket, police station, hairdressers, and race track.

Tiny Town is paying it forward

The ‘Tiny Town’ has been built to suit children’s needs and interests.

It is open daily between 9.30am and 3pm – and from 10am on Sundays.