All 54 Stroud Green Lombardy poplar trees to be cut down by the end of the year amid safety concerns, confirms West Berkshire Council

Over 50 trees within a Newbury park that have become natural landmarks for the town will now be removed over safety concerns.

Six of the iconic Lombardy poplars, which have stood proudly on Stroud Green for around 60 years, were cut down by tree surgeons earlier this year.

All 54 Stroud Green Lombardy poplar trees to be cut down end of year amid safety concerns, confirms West Berkshire Council
All 54 Stroud Green Lombardy poplar trees to be cut down end of year amid safety concerns, confirms West Berkshire Council

As previously reported by the Newbury Weekly News, in the last three years four of the trees have come down in high winds — two across Racecourse Road and two falling across the green itself.

The most recent one came down on January 2, when Storm Henk battered the district.

The trees were found to be showing signs of decay following an inspection at the beginning of the year, and West Berkshire Council has now decided to fell the remaining 54 trees.

The council’s countryside manager Paul Hendry said: “We appreciate how significant the trees are in the area and we will be planting new trees to help recreate the appealing tree-lined avenue.

One of the 60-year-old poplar trees fell victim to Storm Henk
All 54 Stroud Green Lombardy poplar trees to be cut down end of year amid safety concerns, confirms West Berkshire Council

“Earlier this year we asked residents to informally submit their views on what tress we should plant to replace the Italian Poplars and had a great response with some good ideas.

“Our intention now is to carry out a formal consultation possibly in August/September that will help form our replanting plans.”

The application form to cut down the trees, which was submitted to the council by one of its own employees on June 14, states that all 54 trees — alongside two 5m tall poplar stacks remaining from trees that previously fell — will be cut down to ground level and their stumps will be ground out.

The form also states that new replacement trees are planned to replace the poplars.

Six affected trees were cut down in January this year
All 54 Stroud Green Lombardy poplar trees to be cut down end of year amid safety concerns, confirms West Berkshire Council

However, it is not specified how many of these trees will be planted or what species they will be.

West Berkshire Council raised no objection to the proposed felling on June 21, but it is not known when the work will begin on the large-scale removal works, even though they are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The mature Italian poplars were planted in the late 1960s.

Poplars usually have a lifespan of 50-60 years, but as they mature, the lower stems start to develop basal cavity formation with decay extending into the roots, leading to a reduction in structural stability and an increase in stem hollowing.

After the council removed six earlier this year, it confirmed that it expected to remove the remaining trees within the next 12 months.