3 psychological tricks to 'always win an argument' and get the results you want

Winning could look different to each individual, but from a psychologist’s perspective, it’s getting the results you desire. When you’re in an argument with someone, it only takes three tricks to emerge a winner every time.

Similar to the powerful comebacks that’ll make anyone regret insulting you, a psychologist shares the best responses when you’re in a heated discussion, to turn the situation in your favor.

Copyright Westend61 / Uwe Umstätter

3 psychological tricks to ‘always win an argument’

Certified psychologist Francesca Tighinean shares three simple tips you can use to get what you want while arguing with someone.

Listen and agree

One of the first things to do in a heated discussion is to listen and agree, rather than scream at the top of your lungs. And no, you aren’t giving your opponent the satisfaction of winning by doing so. Instead, you are making them feel heard.

For instance, you can say: “If I were you, I would feel/think the same way.” The psychologist says this will make them feel understood, making them more open to listening to what you have to say.

Don’t get defensive

The second trick involves stopping yourself from getting defensive, owning your mistakes, and apologizing to the other person if you think you are wrong.

Francesca says by agreeing with them and making them feel understood, you’re subconsciously convincing them to agree with you.

Share your perspective at the end

It’s alright to let the other person speak, but once they are finished talking, use the opportunity to express your point of view.

By now the person would be willing to listen to you, so you can tell them how you feel about the whole situation.

“Remember, winning an argument doesn’t mean that you have to be right. It means getting the results that you want, ” the psychologist says.

Francesca Tighinean is a certified psychologist, podcaster, and life coach, known for her content psychology and mental health on social media. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master’s in NLP (Natural Language Processing).